Inspired to get organized

Sunday, February 23, 2014

I don’t know if I mentioned this on the blog. Hue Love Prints is solely my baby. I spent the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014 focusing on it. This is serious – I invested in equipment and crammed them all in our place. My OC parents have been insanely supportive and I am grateful.

With the gabagillion items I brought in the house, I needed to get organized. We had shelves made to accommodate my mess and I trolled the web for organizing tips. I chanced upon Jen’s blog (who’s logo colors are close to HLP’s colors) and was hooked. I was looking for a post to share for this Sunday’s inspire series but I couldn’t find one. I am sharing her website today because I couldn’t stop reading her entries. Not only does she have ideas that are easy to execute by anyone, they’re accompanied by superbly shot photos.

Jen makes organizing look fun and good. She also is a color lover which is always a plus in my book. Head on over to Jen’s site to get inspired!

* Photo from here.

The Inspire Series is a regular weekly post on Ang Kaladkarin featuring articles, photos, visuals and even videos that bring on inspiration and spark passion. Topics range from business, self, food, design, life and a whole lot more. The series aims to inspire readers to think, feel and create in order to achieve one’s passion or nurture it.

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