My techie upgrade

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

I’m in the middle of my techie upgrade and I’m excited. The first change was my phone when I bid adieu to my 4 (turning 5) year old scotch tape ridden Nokia 3230 that couldn’t make or receive calls. My 3230 served me well. Haha I originally wanted the Nokia E75 so that I still had the convenience of an alphanumeric keypad and switch to a qwerty keypad when needed but it’s already out of phase. I got the C6 instead which is close enough.

I like new gadgets but it can also be taxing because you need to back-up, transfer and adjust to the new device. Changing phones also meant saying goodbye to messages since they usually don’t get transferred. Call me late but there was 1 feature I got giddy over, “Phone Switch”. It enables you to transfer your contacts, messages (down to the folder!), photos, videos, songs and even calendar notes from one phone to the other!!!

Can I jump? Haha Yes, I’m easy to please like that. =p Too bad I had started deleting my “senti” messages already….Ho well! At least it made changing phones less painful.

Thank you Nokia! =)

Oh, my other techie updates. I FINALLY got an external hard drive and I’m extremely satisfied with my Rica Blue Seagate Go Flex HD. And, we’re finally changing our desktop computer! I won’t bore you with the specs but here’s just one example: from 120 GB (yes, I’ve been living with that little storage space) to 1 TB!!! Yehey talaga! =)

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