Ms. Janet Jackson perfoms in Manila 2011
Friday, January 07, 2011Admit it, you wished you were like Janet Jackson jumping from one country to the other in "Runaway", cried while "Again" was playing in the background, memorized the steps of "Rhythm Nation" as if the world was watching you perform, wished that "The Best Things in Life are Free", grooved to "Got 'Til It's Gone" or made "Together Again" happy-happy-joy-joy song.
One way or another, you've been touched by a Janet Jackson song and they have been part of the soundtrack of your life. This music icon is making her way to Manila as part of her biggest and most insane world tour.
It's such an honor to have an artist of her magnitude to visit the country. I already have budget allocated for certain things this year so I must behave... As much as as it pains me, cannot shell out money to attend the expensive but worth it concert. I will watch vicariously through others! Haha
Janet Jackson Number Ones Tour
February 4, 2011 at 8:00pm
PICC Plenary Hall (For those watching, THANK GOD IT'S NOT IN MOA! HAHAHA)
Ticket Prices:
View the seating map and buy tickets Here. They started selling tickets TODAY! What's your favorite Ms. Jackson song?
* Janet photos from her website.