Pleasant Surprise: 9Works’ Sweet Charity (2011)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011My friend Tin is the theater junkie; I’m a sporadic theater fan. We were talking about the musicals for 2011 and she mentioned that 9 Works was producing Sweet Charity. I decided to pass on it; I didn’t want to shell out cash. Fast forward to this August and I scored free tickets to the press night.
Boy was I glad I went!
I knew the synopsis of the show but didn’t have expectations coming in. I think it’s one of the best ways to watch something so that you have no biases going in.
Without ruining anything, I loved the show. I didn’t expect the show to be that funny. I was laughing in so many portions of the show. Heck, the whole audience was laughing with me. The whole cast worked well together to bring a great show. My favorite part would have to be the “Rich Man’s Frug”! it made me want to be in the trippy times of the 60s! I wanted to be part of that production with its quirkiness. Haha It made me wonder, were my parents this konky then? Haha
Props to Kris Lawrence! He really should do more comedies! He plays an awkward geek extremely well. A lot of my laughs were also caused by Ciara Sotto’s accent and character. Haha! Ciara and Sheree’s characters had accents, too bad there were times when they sung and they lost their accents. Nikki Gil was also pleasant as the title role; it’s nice to see her in a role that’s not wholesome.
If you’re looking for a good hearty show, do catch Sweet Charity all weekends of August at the RCBC Theater. Click here for ticket information.
I contributed an article for Sweet Charity’s free magazine/play bill. =)
* Additional photos from