Christmas Give List: Paper!
Sunday, November 21, 2010 I find it funny when people see my handwriting and say, “Wow, you still know how to write?” But of course! I like writing my to-do list and prefer to have a physical planner VS a Palm Pilot or any application on any device. Also, I have a travel notebook with me whenever I have an adventure. I love looking back and reading my notes on that notebook. Though I do realize I need to write more on it. Haha
Give the gift of writing this year! There are so many adorable options so expect this post to be photo heavy.

This was supposed to be a prize option for a beauty/fashionista themed bridal shower. It’s just cute! Have a fashionista package for your friend and have this inside! Add a kikay pen, her fave make-up, some beauty products and you’re set.

For the musically inclined

Again, too cute to pass up! I can imagine this even being part of someone’s birthday giveaway and I’m not even talking about just kids! Haha

You’ll have to feel it to believe me, you’d feel so comfy writing on this baby.

A kikay travel notebook.
A sparkler version of the Scribe Notebook, girly girls will hoard these notebooks that come in 2 sizes and 3 different colors: pink, yellow and blue.

A sure hit with kids and kids at heart, Brankly Bear has the ease of the Love and Peace Notebook and the adorability of a new puppy. Expect to doodle a lot on the printed paper.

Another cutesy notebook that comes in 2 sizes.

Now that I’m not studying, I can afford to splurge on notebooks. I looked far and wide for my current notebook that I found in Fully Booked but if Yeah Notebooks were out then, I would have picked that brand instead. They change designs every quarter (I think) so when you see a print you adore, grab it! For notebook collectors, this is a brand to add to your collection.

Beautifully put together and designed gifts sets from Rustans that come with a notebook, pen, note cards with matching envelopes. When was the last time you received a hand written note? Wouldn’t it be lovelier to start giving and receiving those?
They didn’t make the Give List Travel post since I saw these after I posted that entry. The thought of writing your adventures in a city specific notepad gets me giddy. I wish it were that easy! Haha These notebooks look pretty adorable but would be best used for people staying there for a long period of time to utilize all the pages. If they had a Manila notebook, that would make for a good journal for us locals. The City journals come in 2 sizes.
The last 2 Notebooks I believe are the product of Moleskin’s popularity. Aesthetically, it can rival the Moleskine but I can’t vouch for the paper quality. They’re a good gift for the corporate man/woman in your lives.

Looks wise, this is closer to the Moleskine. Choose from 2 sizes and 5 different colors.

The colors are more luxurious and tamed compared to the ones I’ve already featured. This would still make for a good gift for kooky friends because the seriousness of the notebook can mask the contents. I can imagine my friends lugging this around but having doodles and other crazy things inside.
Regardless if they were naughty or nice, these items would be a hit. Or perhaps I’m just being overly zealous again. Haha
Again, I will shop vicariously through others. Leave me a message if you purchase any of my suggestion please. =)