Christmas Give List: Simple Pleasures

Friday, November 05, 2010

The definition of Christmas and the emotions we associate with it change though out the years; it’s called growing up. I love Christmas! When we were kids it was about receiving gifts, Santa or not having school. Now that I’m older, I love giving more than receiving gifts.

I like the chase, I love finding items or experiences that would be perfect for my friends and family. I love finding the perfect Christmas gift for them and seeing their reaction. I don’t mind scouring places, I’m a research freak. I also like pimping things I adore. I get giddy introducing new things to people through my gifts and them learning something new. “Wow, this is local?” You bet your ass it is.

It’s another year of Christmas Give Lists and I’m so excited to share my findings with everyone! What I love about the chase, sometimes it just appears. I come across some stores or places and get that light bulb moment. I don’t go out and say, “Ah today, I must find a Christmas Give item to blog about!” They just appear, the world conspires to keep me happy. Yay world!

One thing hard about blogging, I can’t actually share the greatest finds. I want to surprise my friends and family of course! Haha

Hand and body lotion - P345
I discovered Simple Pleasures last year and gave some away. This post may bite me in the ass in the future but this brand is too good to pass up on. They offer cute sounding products, wonderful combinations and fantastic packaging at (for Rustans prices) affordable prices. It’s a brand that you can give to your sossy friends without looking un-sossy. Haha

3 in 1 Shampoo, Bubble Bath and Shower Gel – P445
Tin and I are like moths to flame when it comes to packaging and that alone can draw us in even if the product doesn’t perform as well as its beautiful shell.

Hand and Body Lotion, Shower Gel, Hand and Body Cream – P345 each
Simple Pleasures’ packaging is reminiscent of the style of my fave, Bath and Body Works - it’s stylish, eye catching and hip.

Shower Gel Sets P495

Aren’t they adorable??

Body Lotion Set – P445
Who doesn’t love bath products inspired by your favourite desserts? I love I love! My signature scent is food related. Haha

Again, I will shop vicariously through others. Leave me a message if you purchase any of my suggestion please. =)

* Simple Pleasures is available in Rustans Department Store.

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